International graduates are attractive to employers because of the knowledge, skills and experiences they offer, exposure to diverse culture, and global networking opportunities. It is a gateway to an enriching, fulfilling, interesting and educationally stimulating experiences of a life time. I took my chances to pursue a MBA abroad and it paid off.

What about you? Do you mind taking a leap of faith into a journey that will give you a life-long peace of mind for you, children, and generations to come? Please make up your mind today.

Ocrej Consulting is an International Education Research, Recruiting & Settlement Services Provider. We help you navigate all schools in Canada and tailor the programs to suit your academic and career goals. Once we figure out, which school is compatible with your credentials, we provide you with an estimate around the financial commitment of your education project. This enables you to determine whether or not you are ready to embark on that journey or you need to postpone till later date.

Introducing our Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant in residence….Our founder is now a member of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC). This means that we are now a one-stop shop for your study or relocation abroad. Check out our Immigration department here 7th Laurel Immigration Consulting 

As we mentioned above, now that we have the Immigration Consulting aspect covered, we assure you that we shall excellently deliver on your expectations. 

This makes us your service provider of choice that will connect  and work with you each step of the way to secure legitimate admission, and provide useful information that will make your settlement in Canada a “walk-over” once you are approved to come to Canada.

We are strategically positioned in this business to work with you to attain your goals, and that is why we want to make process effortless and pocket friendly for you. We are partnership that works!

In a nutshell, international education presents countless opportunities that you could tap from. For more details, please complete the contact form and we will respond within 24-48 hours.