Settlement Vade Mecum: A Guide for International Students & Immigrant Newcomers planning to Travel to Canada.A Guide for International Students in Canada Arriving from Abroad.

“It isn’t how much time you spend somewhere that makes it memorable: it’s how you spend the time.”  – David Brenner So spend part of that time reading this short piece of information… it will be worth your while. Thank you 🙂 Ocrejducate – June 2022 There are ten (10) provinces and three (3) territories … Read more

Study Completed. So what next? What are my options as a graduate from a College or University in New Brunswick Canada?

Students studying at university

Ocrej Consulting is inviting you to join us for an interactive discussion and Q&A session via the Instagram platform on post graduation opportunities for international students in New Brunswick this weekend. It is an opportunity to ask our guests questions on what opportunity exists, what their experiences were as a student and now as professionals … Read more

International education! Is it really worth it???

Some years ago, I wanted to leave the shores of Nigeria to study abroad, I just wanted to “gerrout” in Naija slang. I considered different options, countries, programs/degrees; anything that will get me an admission letter to proceed to embassy. I conducted research on post-graduate institutions in the US, UK, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Dubai, South … Read more

Upcoming Webinar

Ocrej Consulting is inviting you to join us for an Information/Q&A Session on the One- Year MBA University of New Brunswick Saint John. It is an opportunity to provide more insight as to what the program covers, offers, and post-graduation prospects. As an alumna of this institution, I will be covering some vital aspects on; … Read more